
Posts Tagged ‘Oklahoma City’

For many of us, this weather map is a reminder that we’re still well within the throes of winter. In case you haven’t heard, up here in Northern New York, we’re due for a doosey. Some of you may have already gotten, or are just getting the snow. Either way, the National Weather Service promises us that this latest winter storm will amount to something like a “2100 mile swath of one-foot snow potential” from Oklahoma City to Portland, Maine. Great…more snow. It’s being considered, as The Weather Channel so eloquently puts it, “a multi-day, multi-region potentially historic and destructive winter storm,” that just might affect the lives of one-third of the population of the United States, or about 100 million people.

You know, it’s about this time of year that most of us are wishing again for the pleasantness of spring flowers or the comfort of summer sunsets. But since, as I must continue to remind myself, it’s only February, we all can make the best of it. Why not drop by Country Wickhouse Candles and take a look at our winter scents? Out autumn scents are still up, too, because fall fragrances are popular even throughout winter. We have to move these candles out in order to clear our shelves for the new spring scents that we’ll be posting at our store come April 1. And we’d really like to move something other than snow for awhile.

So, go ahead and take a good, long look at that weather map again, then imagine yourself snuggled up in the living room, bedroom, or den by a warm fire or near the heater, sipping a mug of cocoa and watching the snow fall down the windowpanes. And what’s that burning softly on the coffee table, on the mantle or hearth? Well, now, it looks to me like an all-natural soy candle from Country Wickhouse Candles. Pretty good image, don’t you think? Ordering is easy and secure; just use this LINK, purchase what you want, and let us do the rest. Piece of cake. And never worry…cabin fever has made us even more efficient in getting our orders out.

Hope you stop by because we’ve got a bunch of reasons to make you smile. And, hey, this winter will end, eventually…

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